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Health Professionals Only!

What's new in professional wholesale supplements? Web site for doctors/health pros
features chiropractic supply, medical supply source  for natural vitamin wholesalers
- wholesale health food organic concentrates- tablets, powders and liquids-

We offer best available professional pricing on fine quality
wholesale vitamin supplements and natural cleanse detox products

Galaxy Nutrients features
60 year VE Irons , Springreen product line
Springreen is the oldest, finest, truly active wholefood concentrate line available
The first is still the best -
When you use the best, your patients get the best!

Welcome to our Special
Galaxy Nutrient's
Health Professional Product Line
Natural Whole Food Concentrates

Fine Quality Nutrients Sold Only Through Health Professionals

Easy ordering directly on-line 24 hours a day
Products shipped directly to you or try our hassle - free
Direct Patient Delivery System

First---set up your own professional account for 
Health Professional purchasing rates
Complete the simple form below

It is free, easy and confidential.

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State/s of Licensure:
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Type of address: Residential Business
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Attest to the validity of all the above information. I understand that once this Information is received by Galaxy Nutrients, I will be notified with an email verification, activating my health professional purchase status.
I agree not to release my password to anyone outside my immediate family or under my current employ for ordering purposes. I understand that my shipping preferences may at times require substitution. I agree to Galaxy Nutrients terms and conditions.

Please enter the following code into the box provided:

EMAIL US or CALL 1-888-263-9625

These statements have not been
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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