Why I married my husband by Mrs. Irons
When I married my husband, I was 27 and he was 72. I married him, instead of a younger man, because he had such a zest for life and so much energy. I am not embarrassed to say that, in addition to his wonderful character, I married him also for his sexual vitality.
I have never known any man who could measure up to my husband, and who could match my enthusiasm for life—both physically and mentally.
Why would any woman want to marry a man who is a weakling and a sissy? My husband will stand up to anyone. He's taking on the world, and that's what I like about him. | 
V. Earl Irons, founder of Springreen Products, Inc., was born on January 23, 1895 in West Virginia USA. He graduated from Yale University in 1919. At the age of 40 he was stricken with sever anklyosing spondylosis (an arthritic condition) and turned to natural approaches in desperation. He became a student of health, expended time, money and energy to develop something which was in total harmony with Natural Law. This search led him to believe that in order to regain vibrant health, detoxification as the first step.
In 1946, Mr. Irons founded the Springreen Company making the products available to doctors and practitioners by the name of Veico Products (east of the Mississippi) and Springreen Products (west of the Mississippi).
Dr. Royal Lee was instrumental in having Mr. Irons and Harold Pratt of Kansas City introduce the use of wheat grass and other cereal grasses in 1953.
Springreenª became the trademark name for these organically grown cereal grasses and the first supplement of its kind.
V. Earl Irons travelled the country lecturing and teaching the basic principles of health. Many thousands, including our doctors and their patients, have been helped tremendously by following his advice and principles.
V. Earl Irons pioneered the idea of using psyllium seed and husks to create a mucilaginous bulk which would enhance the cleansing of the colon. In addition, Montmorillonite which is the active ingredient in Bentonite, is used as an adsorbent aid in detoxification and intestinal purification via the alimentary canal.
V. Earl Irons began a second family at the age of 72 and fathered his last child at the age of 80. Mr. Irons passed away in 1993 at the age of 98. His ideals, teachings and standards are carried on by his family and the many devoted customers around the world who have experienced his cleansing and rejuvenation program.
I have given you all the best advice that I know. Clean your colon, eat the right tfoods, and you will be able to live a long, healthy, and glorious life.
A clean colon means a clean body, whch means a clean mind. Try my program. I know it will work for you.
God bless you all, Victor Earl Irons
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