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Adrenal Cell Extract - 100 tablets
Adrenal Cell Extract - 100 tablets
Our Price: $19.20

Product Code: G7000

Description Extended Information

Adrenal CMG
Cell Extract

Science tell us it is the cell nucleus that contains the first organizer of the protein structural form generated in normal cell growth and repair. The first organizer form generated is that fraction of the chromosome of the cell which catalyzes the synthesis of new cell protein in growth and repair. (Reference: Protomorphology by Hanson and Lee)

Adrenal Cell Nucleus Extract is a mineral product of the Adrenal Gland Cell Nucleus. It is a tissue extract intended to supply the specific determinant factors of the above mentioned organ and to aid in improving t he local nutritional environment for that organ.

Adrenal Gland Anatomy and Physiology
The adrenal glands lie just above the kidneys and are composed of two distinct component sections- the cortex and the medulla.
1. The adrenal cortex is essential to life. Its hormones provide vital regulatory functions. They regulate metabolism, particularly of glucose, maintain the balance between the various minerals, especially sodium and potassium, regulate the water content of the body, and exert important influences on inflammatory and allergic reactions throughout the body.

The adrenal cortex , under the control of the pituitary hormone corticotropin, produces and secretes steroid hormones -glucocorticoids, 17-ketosteroids, mineralcorticoids and three sets of sex hormones- estrogen, androgen and progestins. All these hormones are referred to as "corticosteroids". They are all formed from cholesterol

. 2. The adrenal medulla is functionally related to the sympathetic nervous system and secretes the hormones epinephrine (adrenalin) and norepinephrine (noradrenalin). These hormones stimulate many body processes related to "fight or flight" response. They also serve to maintain normal nervous control over many involuntary bodily functions.

The medulla secretes hormones that increase the rate and power of the heart, raise blood pressure by constricting blood vessels, and relax the smooth muscle which constricts the bronchial tubes. The cortex and medulla perform interlocking functions whereby the body reacts to stressful situations such as spiritual stress, biochemical (toxicity, infection, malnutrition, etc) or physical stress (injury, temperature extremes, etc.).

Hyperadrenia is an infrequent condition today.

Hypoadrenia is extensive and widespread. Often the adrenals become "exhaused" as a result of constant demands placed upon them. An individual with adrenal exhaustion may feel "stressed out", tired, and have a reduced resistance to allergies and infections. Atrophy or shrinking of the adrenal cortex is a common side effect of continual stress and/or cortisone administration.

Factors, Symptoms and Signs related to Insufficient Adrenal Health:
The adrenals cause release of glycogen from the liver, hence the first two conditions are commonly related to the adrenals:
-Heart Conditions-Healthy heart function increases muscle demands for sugar
-Hypotension-found frequently to be related to under-active adrenals
-Poor tissue tone
-Capillary engorgement
-Arthritic conditions-particularly rheumatoid (Along with the Adrenal cell extract tissue support, also include Natural B complex with the G factor present, Natural Vitamin C and Beet Tablets)
-Loss of memory
-asthenic states-both para and sympatheticonia
-respiratory involvements: (always add Natural Vitamin C complex and A complex (Cod Liver Oil is best source)
-chronic coughs which follow colds
-pulmonary hypertension

General Considerations
The adrenal glands enter into a variety of physiological effects and are known to be concerned with the following mechanisms:
a. Resistance
b. Detoxification
c. Mineralization (Sodium-Potassium-Chlorides)
d. Histamine-adrenalin regulation
e. Glucose-glycogen metabolism
f. Vasomotor regulation

The adrenal glands are particularly associated with the following types of diseases:
a. Respiratory Diseases
b. Allergic reactions
c. Inflammatory diseases (Particularly Rheumatoid Arthritis)
d. Neurasthenic diseases (Neurocirculatory asthenia)
e. Blood pressure aberrations

The adrenals "the stress glands"-have been shown to be the first of the endocrine axis to fail under various conditions of stress, such as burns, poisons, and other toxic manifestations-as well as being susceptible to failure from protracted stress and strain of "ordinary" everyday activities. Conclusive evidence was offered by McCarrison to show that the adrenals were also among the first to fail under the stress of malnutrition.

Clinical Considerations
Prominent Clinical Signs and Symptoms
General Symptom characteristics:
Blood pressure changes, respiratory involvements and skin conditions are usual pattern of objective symptoms; subjective symptoms involve autonomic Unbalance and stamina, energy regulation in general.

1. Respiratory Tract Asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis
2. Allergic Reactions Skin conditions, rash, dermatitis, etc.
3. Joint Inflammations Rheumatoid arthritis
4. Neurasthenia Exhaustive states, diminished stamina
5. Vasomotor Reactions Blood Pressure changes
6. Lowered Resistance Colds, Flu, pneumonia

Possible Etiological Background Of the above:
Apparently the regulation of the acid-alkaline balance through the blood buffer salts (sodium, potassium and chloride) is under the control of the adrenal glands, and in dysfunction this blood buffer system is inadequate, resulting in respiratory embarrassment (anoxia), inflammatory conditions and exhaustion.

The adrenals also regulate adrenalin metabolism which opposes histamine in its effects, accounting for the allergic susceptibility of these patients. Sodium retention-potassium deficit is associated with hyperadrenia (hypertension); potassium retention- sodium deficit is associated with hypoadrenia .

Clinical Test
a. Postural Blood Pressure Test Need Shown by: In hypoadrenia systolic fails to show rise in standing position
b. White Line Test Need Shown by: Dermographic "white line" appears after stroking with blunt instrument
c Endocardiograph Need Shown by: Fibrillation (with hypotension), high second sounds over mitral-pulmonary valves

Laboratory Tests
a. 17-ketosteroid Test Normal 12-15 mg. 24 hour specimens
b. Sodium-Potassium Ratio For more detailed information, see chart in "Physiology of the Adrenal Glands"

Dosage/Directions for use:
As a dietary supplement one-three tablets to be taken three times daily with each meal as directed.

Note: All tissue extracts should be taken as follows:
First week: 1 per day taken with the largest meal
Second week: 2 per day taken one after lunch and one after dinner
Third week: 3 per day taken one after each meal.

*In all cases of providing cell extracts for nutritional factors, long term therapy should be stressed rather than acceleration of dosage

Characteristically there is an immediate improvement where indicated, followed by a "let down" period, probably calling for pituitary support at this stage if encountered.

Understanding of reactions is outlined in "Physiology of the Adrenal Glands" which should be used as a guide in governing physiological support.

Sea Salt Supplies NaCl plus trace minerals
Organic Minerals Source of organic potassium

For maximum effectiveness cell extracts should be taken with 3-24+ Springreen greens tablets. This supplies an excellent array of all needed organic minerals in the ideal natural form.

Each tablet supplies: 200 mg. Adrenal Extract--- of bovine source, calcium stearate and cellulose as tableting agents.

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